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BIODIVING - News di biologia marina


Summer Courses on Marine Biodiversity a Roscoff - Francia

An ERASMUS "Marine Biodiversity" course will take place this summer (2007) at the Station Biologique de Roscoff in France. Three independant sessions are offered :
1/ 9-20th July : Diversity of marine algae
2/ 23th July - 3rd Auguts : Fonctional genomics of Marine organisms

3/ 6th August - 4th September : Marine Zoology and Ecology

The courses offer hands-on experience with a wide diversity of marine algae / animals.
It is based in the Station Biologique de Roscoff which posseses :

- proximity to the intertidal zone (rocky shores, soft shores, marshes)

- excellent infrastructures (classrooms with runing seawater, Research vessel)

- equipment for field excursions, microscopy, molecular biology etc.
Courses are given in French but teaching material is often provided in english.

These courses are open to all master students.
Details are available at : http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/Enseignement/erasmus.php Information can be obtained at the folowing adress : houbin@sb-roscoff.fr

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